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For Business | Transformation

Explore The Transformation of Business Through Applied Spirituality

We transform businesses, business families and innovators – by building and aligning the Internal spiritual wisdom of Conscious with their External world of business, relationships, psyche, aspirations and purpose.

We solve Strategic problems, as a team. We deliver solutions that are more predictable, accurate and aligned.

Transformation: For Business

Project Eternity

Prosperity, Predictability, Accuracy and Alignment

How|We Transform

Solutions Without A Single Point of Failure.

Predictable. Accurate. Aligned!

We use the Power of 3 in any strategic activity, like a triangle. Three (3) professionals work on one strategic problem to connect dots from different directions/perspectives.

The answer is always at the center of the triangle!

Alignment is key.  One needs to finally resonate with the rhythms of the Universe, so does your business, your family, your aspirations and purpose, your external-internal worlds and finally your choices!

Browse the areas below!

Business | Transformation 


How will the Age of AI shape business, specifically – Industries, Communication, Family Dynamics, Team Work, Employees, Legal, Finance and Existence.

Transformation: Applications, Cultural, Organizational Heirarchy, Competiveness, Product & Service Innovation and finally Alignment!


Energy dynamics encompass: Relationships, Choice and clarity of Action. The result is an ecosystem “effect” .

It is fundamental to align energy dynamics with the rhythms of people, process, technology and Consciousness.

Prosperity evolves based on the Karmic cycles.


Industry Investment Map and Astroscience Correlation.

Long: Buy & Sell Cycles and Astroscience Correlation.

Family Investment & Liquidation Cycles correlation with Astroscience

Intergenerational Alignment of Liquidation Cycles


Weekly & Monthly Personal & Business Risk Cycles

4 Yearly Personal & Business Risk Cycles

Family Risk Cycles

Ancestral Pattern & Family Risk Cycles

Multi-generational Risk Cycles


Product Innovation & Product Innovation Cycles

Organization Change Management and Organization Process Management

Organization Constellation Map and Energy Flow.


C – Level Recruitment

C-Level Communication Dynamics & Collaboration

C-Level Risk Cycles and Transmutation

Promotional & Broadcasting Cycles


Rising Generation aspirational dynamics, resume, skills & project experience, mission, purpose & Ikigai map.

Generational priorities, communication and psyche understanding.

Generation Ikigai Map


Hiring based on Objective & Subjective: Astrosciences

Current & Long Term: Talent and Potential Analysis via Astrosciences

Managerial: Loyalty Analysis

Communication, Culture & Rewards


Deep Analysis of Astro Chart and Archetypes

Education of Cycles and Transmuting energies

Communication, Style and Weakness Management

Aspirations, Outcome and Rewards correlation


Board Selection based on Astroscience

Astro based Board Dynamics and Loyalty Analysis

Board Meetings and Conflicts Resolution based on Archetypes

Meeting/Time Cycles


Startup Innovation or Exit Strategies : Product, GTM & Cycles of Consciousness

Market & Ecosystems

Astrobased Go To Market and Scale

Co-Founder Selection & Compatibility


Spiritual Dynamics of Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures and Spin-offs

Time Windows of Close based on cycles of Consciousness

Reshuffling of Positions of Power and Dynamics

Compatibility Analysis

What We Offer: 6 mins video

We solve problems of the External and Internal world, with the forces of Consciousness, so we can evolve higher and live fulfilled lives. Few people do!

These Universal principles have certain laws/orders and is applicable to anything! 

We bring methods, processes, wisdom, awareness, laws and application of Consciousness to You, the Business Family and their Business. 

Outcome – Predictability, Accuracy & Alignment without a single point of failure. 

How Ecosystems Solve Problems

The future of innovation, synthesis and problem solving in the Age of AI will create expert based Ecosystems. A diverse set of experts, working together and consequently offering the ability to pool their wisdom to solve problems, which individuals or AI Machines can’t. 

The 2 minute video explains the Project Eternity partner ecosystem framework, which is based on Consciousness and wisdom of temples.

Spiritual Wisdom Evolutionary Framework

We build an “Evolutionary Framework” to solve problems. It is complicated, but works! The framework answers some of the questions – What kind of wisdom do we teach and apply? How do we solve the subjective and objective problems? How can enhance predictability, accuracy and stay aligned with cycles of prosperity?

The 2 minute video explains the Project Eternity Evolutionary Framework, which is based experiential wisdom of Consciousness and wisdom of temples.

Get In Touch

USA: 978-674-55 ZERO FOUR

INDIA: +91 83683 12106 

Location | USA|Project Starfish America | |

181 Market St
Lowell, MA 01852


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