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Project Eternity: Transforming Rising Generations

Transform Youth. Transform the Future. Co-Create a Better World.

Todays rising generation is at the cusp of a big transformation. A brilliant, innovative, information-centric, quirky, rebellious generation face changes in all facets of life – business, family, emotional, spiritual, communication, health, and only a spiritual program can solve their inner problems in a chaotic world.

A Select Transformation Program for Business Families

Project Eternity brings the best spiritual transformation program that unifies spirituality, cosmic consciousness, science, quantum physics, liberal arts, deep meditation, tantra and mystical elements into One to build a roadmap of well being. Big changes require transformation at the inner core!

An exclusive spiritual program for business families.

Transforming Rising Generations!

Project Eternity

Co-Create The Future, Be The Change!

Spiritual: Transformation Program

Transform the Inner Core

Our program focuses on individuation, self-awareness and oneness! Instead of a one-way street, our model is based on discourse where we learn through debates and collaboration like the real world, exactly how Harvard Business School Executive Education works. We simplify wisdom and focus on inner well being, habit creation and leadership.

Video of the Program and Topics covered

There are two videos – the first 10 minute video is meant for the “rising generation”. The second one of 5 minutes duration and is for their parents/guardian.

Video: For Rising Generations

Video: For Parents/Guardian ( 5 minutes + 3 minutes)

If you are a parent/guardian, you will find more depth in this video that will help you understand the value of the program. The first 5 minutes explains what we teach, the last 3 minutes explains the curriculum and outcomes.

Business & Innovation: Transformation Program

Where Business, Technology, Spirituality & Purpose come together

The navigation from the Old to the New requires a paradigm shift. Sadly, everyone is focused on the objectivity of things instead of the subjectivity, which the ancients were adept at. As the Old world collapses to make way for the New, youth will need to re-think how they want to build their future. To move forward, the youth will need to go back first, so they can jump forward. The future will be much, much different than what it is today. So will their inner problems be. 

Outcome of the program

Project Eternity transforms students and youth to be their own essence and become Leaders, Entrepreneurs, and Innovators of tomorrow. Our system brings everything together to transform the inner being and their outer world so they can co-create a better future.

Check out the 5 Minute Introductory Video of the Business & Innovation Transformation Program

Next Steps: Experience the Why, What, How and the Outcomes of the Program

Next Steps: Our programs are strictly for business families and meant to be exclusive. Please acquaint yourself with the program through the 4(four) videos. It is important youth, their parents/guardians and if necessary their school teachers understand the depth of the program and it’s seriousness.

1.Why Transform?

Why Transform Yourself? What Are We Missing?

The rising generation will face an immense amount of challenges – i.e. emotional, mental, spiritual and professional. They are under a massive cusp of change for the next 10 years, where they will experience a breakdown of society, relationships, emotional constructs, business, and spirituality. The entire experience of being a human will be re-defined.

Evolve, or Repeat Your Mistakes

Rising generation need to go backward first and jump higher to cross the chasm to evolve forward.

This video explains the challenges they will experience and why a new system like Project Eternity needs to be built to help them develop extreme self-awareness to help navigate a new world to emerge. A new system that merges Business, Technology, Spirituality, Quantum Physics of the Universe, their Psyche, and Family values, so there is no dichotomy!

2.Ancient Wisdom: The Missing Element

The Biggest Paradox: Objective and Subjective

Project Eternity is about Alchemy a principle hardly discussed. It brings both worlds of Business and Spirituality together. There is no dichotomy, but a transformed human who is not separated from the purpose, the body, soul and the Universe.

We teach mind-blowing subjects that is not conventional wisdom and only found with Himalayan Yogis, such as Mysticism, Spiritual Physics, Esoterism, Symbolism, Universal Laws etc to name a few. 

Video: Objectivity & Subjectivity

The following video shows a glimpse of what we teach and is intensive. We do make it simple and experiential. Our focus is always the inner being coupled with business ideas, innovation, problem solving and system thinking.

3.How We TransformYou

Ancient Wisdom: e Pluribus Unum: From Many, One

Whether it is Music, Language, Mathematics, Astroscience, Geometry, Energy flow, Quantum mechanics, Holographic Universe, Ley lines, Temple Grids, Astronomy, God constructs, Health, Psychology, Healing, Stock Markets, Crypto, Finance, Generational and Economic Cycles…they are one and the same. Just different aspects and archetypes. Everything is One.

Highly successful people – understand this construct. They find a way to balance and connect all the dots. For example – Steve Jobs was a Master Yogi. He knew the spiritual aspects of business. The rest is history.

We Don’t Teach What is Mainstream

We teach what Billionaires and World Leaders study. It is a different subject altogether. We help you build a future roadmap, mission to follow an authentic purpose, ideate new products and business ideas, compassion, connectedness, communication, financial skills and working knowledge of law. You will learn what people don’t know in their lifetime.

Find them in the video below

Programs for Schools

Ancient Wisdom, to Your School

In a fast-paced world, Project Eternity brings the entire wisdom, speakers, yogis to the school premises to help transform students and youth. Students and youth are busy and unaware of the value of this knowledge. We thus use webcon/virtual/immersive technology and on-premise models to accelerate the dissemination of the knowledge.


Depending on the requirements – it can range from 2 hours a day/week/month to extensive two days/week/month for several months, and even years. Our clear idea is to ensure the rising generation adopts and assimilates the wisdom. Unfortunately, time is a luxury as a generational crisis is brewing. 

We usually start from Grade 8th onwards to Grade 12th, and extend the program to Engineering/Liberal/Business colleges. We are focused on merging all knowledge to connect the dots, including Future-of-Work expertise, knowledge, and resume building for college admission.

How Schools and Colleges gain from the transformation program

It is simple. You will see tangible improvements day-by-day, week-on-week, year-on-year. Student outcomes matter, the school’s brand matters, parent feedback matters. When parents see positive results, the school wins and attracts better families.

Project Eternity: Ancient Wisdom in Action

Transforming Intergenerational Leadership with Spiritual Wisdom of Alchemy

Everything we do at Project Eternity is based on Consciousness and Alchemy.

Project Eternity is Conscious Design. Everything is about energy. Everything is about spiritual physics. It is all about the spiritual experience of the Soul. There is no mumbo-jumbo. There is racism, no color, no mainstream politics, no big agendas except transforming the soul, no bias, no religion, no class and no dogma.

This is a template of a futuristic civilization of highly conscious intellectual leaders who work together to transform each other and themselves. Working together without judgment is true spirituality in action!

The Video

This 10 minute video explains where generations will Live, Work, Innovate, Transform and Evolve. This video explains the conscious design of the project and how everything that we do is about creating a conscious experience. 

Get In Touch

USA: 978-674-55 ZERO FOUR

INDIA: +91 83683 12106 

Location | USA|Project Starfish America | |

181 Market St
Lowell, MA 01852


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