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Project Eternity | Team

A Select Partner Ecosystem

We are about Convergence & Oneness! Not Singularity.

The Universe, Energy and everything – is One! There is no chaos. There cannot be and so is our model of wisdom. It is based on connecting silos & dots and then stitching things together. Thats why and how we build partners who form an ecosystem to deliver predictable, accurate and aligned solutions, others individually can’t. 

This convergent, synergistic and applied ecosystem model is the only way to solve problems in the Age of AI which will require immense innovation and subjective wisdom. 

The Power Of An Exceptional Ecosystem to Solve Evolutionary Problems.

Project Eternity

Human Experience and Evolution – Redefined

Team Eternity: Bio’s 

How We Build Teams

Teams are built on synergy and alignment to purpose. Purpose of what? The answer is Evolution.

 Our goal is to build exceptional teams in all spheres who deeply want to change the status-quo of human experience and evolve higher with wisdom of Consciousness by working together. 

We will forever be a small, unconventional, eclectic, responsible, ethical, innovative and revolutionary team that shapes society based on values and application of wisdom.

Bios of our team members are below.

Subhashish  Acharya(Subs)

“Bio & Journey”

For two decades, I have worked for and with the topmost Technology companies in the United States – Oracle, PTC, Dassault(Centric), Accenture, Deloitte, HPE, Dell, Microsoft etc in the field of building Ecosystems for Industry 4.0, IoT, AR/VR etc.

I am an Engineer and graduated from the Exec MBA alternative called PLD Program from Harvard Business School.

I am a spiritual & ecosystem Evolutionist integrating spiritual consciousness, technology & wisdom of the Ancients at the core, which is a holistic approach compared to only a technology, darwinian and nihilistic model, which lacks a soul and negates the spirit of being consciously human. Building on a repeatable “applied spirituality” template and incorporating it with generational cycles will create an evolutionary human experience aligned with the forces of the Universe.

I have deep desire to build a High-tech and exceptionally Conscious society based on the wisdom of our ancestors and pass this on to our generations for their sovereign evolution.

Subhashish Acharya (Subs)

Subhashish Acharya (Subs)

Managing Director

As a synarchist and synergist, I have the ability to connect dots and synthesize wisdom to create holistic models that create Oneness, Convergence and Powerful Ecosystems.

As a leading authority of exploring and decoding archetypal, quantum & astroscience based wisdom from ancient temples, I bring a rare insight into ancestry of a high evolved human race that lived 100,000 years back and aligned themselves with Cosmic consciousness.

As a specialist of Personal, Predictive and Psychological Astrosciences, I help people navigate periods of depression, creativity, karmic activities, Industry investments, AI & Consciousness and Cycles.

I specialize in building Intergenerational legacy models that fit in with the System of Wealth, future of Industry & Technology, Human experience and Spiritual Consciousness of Cycles.

Elizabeth Bagger

“Bio & Journey”

I am passionate about good, healthy relationships that serve the people in them.

I love dedicating my time to supporting individuals to create better relationships with themselves and the people they care about and with whom they seek to create things in the world.

I have chosen to focus my attention on enterprising families as I see the care, passion and commitment they bring to what they do and the many people this affects.

It makes my heart sing when I’m able to help a family connect better with each other, becomes happier owners together and make better decisions. This not only impacts the family itself but also the people who work for them and the communities in which they operate.

Until 2021, I was the Director General of a membership body for family-owned businesses and I have served on the Boards of many family businesses.

I love the holistic impact. I work with families globally and live a global life. I currently live between Chicago and Mexico.

Elizabeth Bagger

Elizabeth Bagger

Partner & Lead: Enterprise Family Business Solutions & Legacy Strategy

 I bring in rich experience of Family Business Strategy, Board Management, Family Dynamics, and exceptional communication dynamics between family members. I bring the ability to craft Intergenerational strategies by bringing together the systems of wealth and systems of spiritual wisdom to craft Legacy, Lineage and Prosperity for rising and future generations and manage governance when needed as a trusted advisor.

I am adept at understanding wants, desires, expectations and differences of individuals and families. I am equally adept at understanding the subtleties of relationships and root causes of problems and feuds. The experience in the dynamics helps me lead Board meetings, and align them towards their mission.

I lead communication between family units with elegance and grace to ensure family businesses adopt innovative solutions and run like a well-oiled machine.

Currently, my focus is to bring forward transformational strategies in the Age of AI. Technology is a massive disruptor for businesses and business families pervading organization structures and generational dichotomies.


Dr Michael Andron

“Bio & Journey”


Dr. Andron is a First-Level Grandmaster and Seventh-Degree Black Belt in the world-renowned Tora Dojo Martial Arts Association and is a Yoga Adept with almost 50 years teaching experience. 

He is a master of White Crane Gung Fu, Tai Ji Chuan, and Qi Gung, with the title of Lao Shih (Elder Master), an Acupuncturist, Hypnotherapist and an Author.

 Dr. Andron is also a Mohel, a Rabbi, Jewish Meditation teacher, and Theatre Director. He is known as a synthesizer, a simplifier, a renaissance man, and an innovator.

He is the creator of The EnerGenesis© Protocol, a revolutionary approach to breathing, energy, mindfulness, and personal energy effectiveness.

 He has served as an adjunct faculty in the departments of psychology and medicine at Wake Forest University. As an experienced theater director, he developed and taught classes in Martial Arts and Yoga for the Performing Artist as a Psycho-physical Training Tool in the theatre departments at New York University, N.C. School of the Arts, and New World School of the Arts in Miami.   

 Dr. Andron was also fortunate to work with Dr. Andrija Puharich, world-renowned researcher of healers and healing systems. Their collaboration resulted in deep revelations of Dr. Andron’s effective practice and its basis in the Quantum Physics of Consciousness.

Dr Michael Andron

Dr Michael Andron

Partner & Chief: Applied Wisdom of Consciousness & Mindfulness for Business


I help C- Level/ High performing business executives conserve and apply the energy of the body and consciousness to perform higher and live a life of balance. As a Grandmaster and 7th Degree Blackbelt, I bring this lived experience with immediate application, effectiveness, simplicity, and grace.

The subject of Consciousness is deep and unending. I lead the communication of this wisdom with other leaders in this space for Business and Families to build Spiritual Systems that can be adopted, adapted, and scaled for generations.

As a Theater Director, I understand the power of emotion and how it flows through the movement of the body.  My approach and lived experience will help you tap into and harness that power to accelerate your self-awareness.

 Having devoted my life to simplifying and sharing physical disciplines, with a mental thrust, that is spiritual, my greatest joy is when students use these principles and practices to go deeper within themselves, ‘remove the veils’, and learn to embrace the Oneness, the quantum reality, in which we all reside. By sharing that understanding, together we can sweeten and repair the world.

Dr Mitch Holland

“Bio & Journey”

Dr. Mitch Holland has over 30 years of background in the Medical-Legal Industry and is the Executive Director of Vitality Health Inc, leader in medical injury. A 25-year former treating injury physician and medical evaluator for the State of California his expert knowledge is second to none.

He is a former Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) to Alaron Trading in Chicago, a former Sports Physician specialized in an Integrative care approach to health, and a Medical Evaluator for the State of California’s Industrial Medical Council. A Published Author, Speaker, and Hollywood Film Executive Producer continues to serve as a consultant for many large institutions.

As a polymath, he also brings in the world of Quantum Physics and Quantum Consciousness to businesses and organizations. His passion is to bring the humanitarian, legal and ethical angles to business organizations through these subjects.


Dr Mitch Holland

Dr Mitch Holland

Partner: Quantum Physics, Law & Consciousness, and Business Advisor to Project Eternity


As an expert in Medicine, Injury and Law, I bring businesses and enterprise families the understanding of the medical/pharma industry and the science of integrated medicine and it’s wholeness to extend longevity.

As a funder, investor and capital expert in the area of films, I bring the wisdom from movies, project management, story telling and the lessons learned in a decade long experience.

As a polymath I bring the wisdom from deep expertise in multiple subjects that need to be connected with Quantum Physics, Spiritual Consciousness, Innovation and Wholistic Health. The method of connecting dots and the synthesis helps businesses and enterprise families find clarity in executing their mission and vision.



Dr. Ujwal Chaudhary

“Bio & Journey”

I graduated with Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Florida International University in Miami, USA. During my Ph.D. I developed different devices to perform optical imaging of the brain. 

Nine years ago in October 2013, my world turned upside down. As my wife lay mute in a critical stage on a hospital bed, all I wanted was to communicate with her. She was Conscious – but her eyes were closed and her muscles did not work. While she wanted to communicate, sadly she couldn’t and this remains the fate of many loved ones all over the world.

My desire to know her thoughts remained unfulfilled as she passed away without saying a word.

After her demise, I became deeply obsessed to find Neuro-Tech, Brain-Computer or Human-Computer Interface solutions for patients and families, who are or will sadly go through my helpless situations. It was a labor of love the helped me create unimaginable breakthroughs in the history of science.

I stand for the “Freedom of Expression” of patients who desperately want to communicate to their loved ones, but unfortunately can’t. To enable them with technology is my life’s mission!


Ujwal Chaudhary

Ujwal Chaudhary

Partner & Lead: Brain Computer Interface Solutions

I am very proud to say that for the first time in the history of science we enabled a completely paralyzed patient to express himself using his brain activity.  Sadly, the patient had absolutely no means of communication, not even the ability to move his eyes, yet had a highly functioning brain. 

We saw miracles happen as the patient communicated with our technology using just brain cell activity to communicate his thoughts. 

My work has been mentioned in leading Medical Journals, leading Newspapers, however unlike most scientists I find the deepest fulfillment in enabling my patients achieve miracles.

My pursuit of this “Freedom of Expression” for my patients that started 9(nine) years back helped me launch initiatives like ALS Voice,   a non-profit that raises awareness for families who desperately need this solution to communicate with those who sadly can’t.

Also, launching ARN Labs a visionary Neurotech company to help large business families find innovative solutions for their loved ones.

SunYogi Umashankar

“Bio & Journey”

Sunyogi Umasankar was born in 1967 in West Bengal, India. He developed an early interest in yoga, and by the year of 1996, he mastered the practice of Sunyoga, a method for connecting to the divine supreme soul by establishing direct contact with the Sun.

At the age of 5, Sunyogi got frustrated with all the misleading spiritual teachings he encountered and received a message from Mahavatar Babaji: “build a national highway!”. Since then, his life has been focusing on sharing an effective spiritual path for humanity.

Sunyogi has lived an extraordinary life. He spent over six years barefoot, walking across all the states of India with no possession, living long periods without any food, deriving all his sustenance directly from the Sun.

In 2009 he completed a two-year retreat high up among the snow peaks of the Himalayas where he had the fortune to meet for the first time in person Mahavtar Babaji, the ageless saint from whom all the Wisdom of Yoga has its roots.

Sunyogi returned to the world with more in-depth knowledge about Sunyoga and how it can be applied to heal oneself and the whole Universe. The message is to create Peace, Prosperity, Wisdom, good Health, unconditional Love and Enlightenment, for a future in Universal Unity and Brotherhood.

Sunyogi Umashankar ( Sunyogi)

Sunyogi Umashankar ( Sunyogi)

Partner: Meditation & Consciousness


I help people regain their health and vitality by helping them align with the energy of the life force of the Sun.

Unlike others who preach sweet wisdom of spirituality as means of consolation, I focus on applications of spiritual wisdom of the Science of Consciousness and bringing the deep meditation to Businesses, Professionals and Families. 

The Life force of the Sun is completely ignored today in our Newtonian and mechanistic society. It is the Sun that creates life, yet, we human beings do not know how to harness it for our health, wealth and spiritual evolution. I have myself thrived, days without food, just through the nourishment of the Sun.

I bring this exceptional experience to Humanity as a mission to help them find themselves and evolve while immersed in the Cycles of Consciousness.

Unlike others, I do not preach, and neither am I interested in follower-ship of millions flocking to a saint for their own liberation. I bring the experience of the science that is slowly being lost, which needs to be revived towards evolutionary times.

My wisdom, meditation and philosophies suit those who want to apply the science of spiritual wisdom and deep meditation in a practical and easy way! It is meant for those who are willing to innovate and align with the mysteries of the Universe!



Joan Wray-Niles

“Bio & Journey”

I co-owned, the First Black London Newspaper then called The Voice and directed the advertising sales. Over four decades, I was in the financial services industry providing assurance and investments for clients for companies like Allied Dunbar and Zurich Life.

As a mortgage broker, I became directly authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to provide mortgages and loans for home and business owners as an affiliate with significant banks and Building Societies in the United Kingdom.

 I studied in the area of business finance at North East London University.

Joan Wray-Niles (Joan)

Joan Wray-Niles (Joan)


I share about finding Love! Deep within yourself.

I help expand the heart, mind, soul, speech and with self reflection I guide with clarity and feel with ones being. I choose to teach these concepts gained through “extending” choice and self-awareness!

I use a discourse model that is based on sharing experiences in groups. There is no need to teach, there is only the need to discover, and I am adept at this model. This is the model of the future of understanding Love and feeling it. The door to Love opens from inside, and there is a need to peel back the layers that prevent it’s blossoming.

True Evolution of the human race is only possible with love for our Self, of not being separate from our External world. The separation dissolves as we have a discussion and share experiences.

Clayton Longmire (Clay)

“Bio & Journey”

As a former professional athlete, I’ve seen first-hand how unforeseen circumstances can demand a different path in life for you. A career cut short due to injury, coupled with family obligations prepared me for the ebbs and flows of life that afforded me the awareness of how pivoting and aligning with one’s purpose can be a catalyst for miraculous change.

These changes brought me through the various chambers of my own temple of self-discovery which reawakened true innerstanding. This would prove invaluable for the journey that laid ahead.

 Since 2009 I’ve studied ancient cosmology, celestial mechanics and their connection to our natural biorhythms. These precursors guided me toward deeper studies and adept level research that led me to Applied Astrosciences.

Some of the areas I have successfully applied Astrosciences are Blockchain, Crypto & Bitcoin including it’s trading. A bigger area I am currently focusing on is to bring this knowledge mainstream for business professionals so they apply it to themselves, business and finances. The emerging area I am involved in re-inventing various Astroscience applications solving fertility problems of couples in a non invasive manner.


Clayton Longmire (Clay)

Clayton Longmire (Clay)

Partner & Lead: Applied Astrosciences


I am passionate about bringing the applications of Astrosciences in various forms for Corporate Businesses, Business Families and Innovators. Everything I focus is based on predictability, accuracy and alignment with cycles of consciousness and rhythms of the psyche.

My niche area is to guide professionals, families and younger generations through the future of Industry, Crypto and Psychological cycles. For example – which industries would spiral up and down in the next 10 years – 20 years- 30 years etc. What are your most innovative times of your life, and some of the darkest times that you maybe headed for?

My current pursuit is FertilityDAO, a project based on the field of Astro Fertility. Millions of couples have to go through the pain of IVF to be parents. FertilityDAO brings the wisdom of Astrosciences, AI and Blockchain to predict and streamline the cycles of fertility for confirmed  procreation outcomes.

As a lead for Astrosciences, I bring a team of exceptional experts to apply wisdom of the ancients to all facets of life. My passion is to bring  Astrosciences to the rising generations, who are brilliant and need this wisdom for the big changes they have to face and find their way in a fast paced and automated world. Not being able to navigate the paradigm shifts can create way more problems compared to what we see today.

Kat Moulton

“Bio & Journey”

As a healing catalyst, I have earned a Ph.D. in Life’s Earth School. I know what it takes to transform lives and relationships. Having lived through sexual assault, medical misdiagnosis, PTSD, post-partum depression, and multiple food allergies due to chronic mold and carbon monoxide exposure, I understand suffering and loss. I teach others to turn those emotions into power and purpose.

Raised in an alcoholic and controlling home, I repeated the pattern of co-dependence until I left the toxicity to heal on a deeper level. I have three non-neurotypical young adult children and two adult stepsons. I relate to family dynamics from the inside out. I guide clients to communicate better and become more authentic in their relationships with friends, family, and business.

I have seen extreme darkness in people and situations. Some for years at a stretch! I have come out victorious every time, and with every situation I focus on the lessons inside the experience.

My mission in life is to help those who go through inexplicable cycles of darkness, without being able to communicate or being heard – so they emerge victorious and find joy in life.


Kat Moulton

Kat Moulton


Only a person who has seen, experienced and played with darkness in ones life for many, many years – will understand another person who is going through these cycles.

Sometimes people just need to be understood. It is so, so, so hard to find authentic humans who can relate to a pain and simply hear a person out, hold their hands and share their experiences. Tears have meaning, and so does authentic friendship. I aspire to be an exceptional friend for my clients when they are swimming in deep inexplicable darkness of life – in love, relationships, business failure, guilt, shame and loss.

There is an infinite difference between “empathy” and “sympathy”. Empathy is being – inside the pathos of the person, whereas Sympathy is simply – going with the pathos. What makes me unique is the ability to be inside of the pathos, relating to it, discovering the root of situation, the dynamics causing the pain and finally helping clients discover it.

However, first I earn your trust. Through our engagement, we cross the chasm together – to be fulfilled, to give meaning to our pain and finally be free like a butterfly with a new pair of wings.

Butterflies were always meant to be free. So are you.



Andrei Knight

“Bio & Journey”

 I have been transforming lives and assisting peak performers with meditation, energy healing, and Tantra for over 25 years, and along the way have had the honor of serving 3 royal families, 2 presidential candidates, corporate and studio executives, Hollywood celebrities, pro NFL and Olympic athletes. My specialties are combining ancient wisdom with the latest in modern science to help leaders overcome their blocks and make an even bigger and more more meaningful impact in the world.

I began my meditation training over two decades ago, studying under martial arts legend Stephen K. Hayes, as well as his teacher, Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi in Japan. While training with Hayes, I had the honor of serving the Dalai Lama as a protection escort and security adviser, and during that time was initiated into the Diamond and Lotus tradition of Tendai Mikkyo, a form of esoteric Tantric Buddhism.

Bridging the wisdoms of both the East and the West, I went on to earn a PhD in metaphysics and became certified as a trauma-informed therapist and practitioner in CBT, NLP, RTT, and HeartMath techniques, a professional life coach, and also became an ordained minister. In 2010, I was inducted into the order of the Hereditary Knights Templars of Britannia, and in 2014 I was invited to join the board of directors of the Declaration of Consciousness Movement and World Yoga Day.

 Andrei Knight

Andrei Knight

Partner & Lead : Tantra, Consciousness & Energy Systems


I focus on the Energy Dynamics of the Body, Soul, DNA and the Self. Bringing the ancient knowledge of Tantra to families to balance magnetic and electrical energies of the body through deep meditation, esoterism and mysticism.

I use the science of the breath, understanding of the mind-heart-body complex and the power of Consciousness to help increase their self-awareness. 

I use energy hacks and the science of meditation to regenerate energy to create peak performance for professionals.

I collaborate with teams to teach them the power of sensuality and sexuality. The energies of sensuality are woven into the dynamics of Tantra, however Tantric wisdom and Tantric meditation are far bigger elements than what people understand or have heard about.

I also teach couples on the art of using Tantra for sensual healing and psychotherapy. I also teach the esoteric elements of Tantric Buddhism, which is important to build a fulfilling partnership.




Kendall Aragon

“Bio & Journey”

I am a Spiritual Teacher who is committed to helping women awaken into their wild voices through Soulful Rituals. Born and raised in an Evangelical Christian home, I know what it feels like to feel suppressed under the deep umbrella of patriarchy, judgement within purity culture, as well as colonialism and the genocide of my indigenous Blackfoot ancestors. Having recently left the church, I now stand in solidarity to restoring the harmony within by accessing Shamanic wisdom, Womb healing, dancing, writing, personal transformation and avatar embodiment.

Soul expresses itself through dance, and I have danced for 26 years in various professional capacities, including appearances in the U.S. and abroad in London, on Carnival Cruise Lines, and aboard the Queen Mary. Like the wind that leads Pocahontas to her Grandmother’s tree, movement for me is the breath of life, the elixir of life force moving through me. As a mover of energy, a healing practitioner for those willing to dance, I desire to hold space for the erotic innocence of life to feel safe and free to dream again. Whether this being through ecstatic dancing, avatar dance soul transformations, being under the stars howling at the moon or becoming the avatar of your choice, all is welcome in the bosom of the Magickal dance.

Kendall Aragon

Kendall Aragon


I help couples find love in themselves by moving blocked energies through their bodies through dance and align it with the energies of the Cosmos. Age is not a barrier, not being able to feel the spirit of the soul is. The movement releases the memories and energies that causes the blocks, opening you to experience a new freedom! I am passionate about helping you experience the transformation of the soul that expresses through the body.

Soulful Eroticism through sacred rituals is my specialty. Sensuality lies deep in us, and our inability to experience and express it deeply prevents us from the connection with the energies of the Cosmos. I serve as a guide and a friend, always holding your hand with trust to lead you to realize deep feelings in your heart and soul.

I focus on raising the sexual energies to empower you to feel the ecstasy in the unity of Consciousness. I bring you the wisdom of Tantra to open your energy points to express sensations by feeling the movement of energy through your meridians and your heart. 

I serve as a catalyst to free you from repressed feelings, wounds and blockages of the most essential  divine “life force” energy of sensuality!



Suresh Sharma

“Bio & Journey”

I am one would call a Karma Yogi. Work and working towards a mission is my way of life and finding the true essence of worship of the divine.

From the age of 8, I lived with highly enlightened Yogis of the Nath Order in India near the Himalayas. While I was built traditionally based on the monastic order of the Naths, I have always been a rebel in my outlook and vision of life. Saintly verses read from texts do not make us spiritual; understanding our deep self does. Following traditional orders in the Age of AI when humanity is at the cusp of a big change, is not the way of the Divine. There is a deep need to unleash the human spirit and get back to basics to understand, innovate and align with the wisdom of Consciousness.

My guru’s in the ashram envisaged this big change to come upon humanity, and helped me experiment with multiple philosophies outside the monastic order, and also provided me the schooling/higher education in english – and this is quite unheard of in traditions.

Little was I aware that my gurus’ were preparing me to help build a plan for the future that will be later termed as Project Eternity. Currently, I am involved in conception, execution, ground planning and logistics on the ground in India, near the Himalayas at our site.


Suresh Sharma

Suresh Sharma

Partner & Director: India Operations Lead


Currently I am focused on a myriad of activities related to the ground where villagers have donated land to build Project Eternity. We have two sites, the smaller, dedicated to Project Eternity: Tantra, where we are creating an exceptionally high end experiential program to revive the lost wisdom of Tantra and preserve it for generations.

My role is Business Operations – from crafting an experience, to logistics, to legal to managing expectations of villagers to site modification. If you can name it, you will find me doing it.

I also deeply immerse myself in the wisdom of Tantra and ancient Shaivism related texts, the spiritual wisdom of Osho, which I find exceptionally accurate for the times we are in and revolutionary philosophic models of Gurdjieff, which is experiential and deep.

I am also a debater and like to expound the need for a new spiritual model that raises the self-awareness and consciousness in the Age of AI. The old models of thinking need to go! They do not accelerate evolution, rather hold us in chains and simply console us.


George Leoniak

“Bio & Journey”

George Leoniak is a Master Geometer and Tracker. His highly tuned pattern seeking abilities in the natural world led him to explore sacred geometric patterns that evoke memories of wholeness. His work focuses on uniting science, art, and spirituality. A passionate and patient teacher, he loves inspiring others to awaken their creativity with the transformative potential of sacred geometry, as he helps to grow an interconnected community of Sacred Geometers Worldwide.

 George developed what he calls Knew Geometry that has a mission of uplifting human consciousness by evoking a deep memory of wholeness by creating Sacred Art that emerges from the Heart. Sacred Geometry encodes esoteric wisdom and hidden mathematics into its designs stimulating an alchemical process that initiates Unity Consciousness.

 As a student of Sacred Geometry he has learned a language that speaks to his soul, and shares his wisdom of the art sparking creative inspiration in others while initiating a transformation of consciousness. Working with these geometric designs opens the door to the Great Mystery, and deep memories of wholeness can intuitively awaken within us stimulating realizations of our divinity and oneness with the Source of all that is.

George Leoniak

George Leoniak

Partner & Lead: Conscious Geometry & Innovation


I bring to life what you would call Conscious Geometry. As Consciousness flows through us and in the external world, it follows certain patterns, flows and natural ratios. This energy flow, which is self aware brings a radically enhanced approach to the designs of today and in the future.

This can be applied to many spheres of life and business. Product Innovation, Structure of large bodies, Organizational Hierarchies, Astrosciences, Logo design, Family constellations etc, and the list is endless.

I also love to teach “rising generations”, who by their nature are very innovative and have a technology first approach. Applying this wisdom to create finished goods enhances its elegance and makes it way more marketable  as geometry is a language of the Soul!



Patricia Wald-Hopkins

“Bio & Journey”

I am passionate about honoring and cultivating a deep relationship with the earth. I live a life full of rich and healing experiences with nature by spending time in nature and doing what I can to be a good steward of earth’s resources, so that the generations to come can continue to enjoy living on this beautiful planet.

 I have dedicated 25 years of my time cultivating this connection to Mother Earth for myself and supporting others to do the same. It brings me great joy and satisfaction to witness the profound shifts in consciousness and how we show up in the world when we first consider the implications of our actions on the resources of our planet.

Over 14 years I have worked with clients to help them discover themselves through the wisdom of the I-Ching and Human Design found in ancient Chinese esoteric wisdom and Buddhist Mandalas.

As a painter, I also help people express themselves with their whole being through meditative art, colors and geometry. We are an expression of Consciousness flowing through us, thus our art is an expression of the same consciousness field. As we embody and flow with the field, our expressions take our highest essence. The application of this flow helps professionals succeed in their field by tapping into the fields of consciousness through the heart, instead of the mind.

I bring the intersection of objective and subjective spirituality using Gene Keys, Human Design, Akashic Wisdom and Butterfly Healing (™) to name a few to help understand our DNA footprint, our ancestral memories, archetypes and how we align with the Cycles of Consciousness.

Patricia Wald - Hopkins

Patricia Wald - Hopkins

Partner: Evolutionary Human Design & Gene Keys Ambassador

I bring the wisdom of Consciousness of the Earth and it’s Ecology for  rising and younger generations, who are slowly being disconnected from this primeval field that pervades our lives. I help younger generations respect it, dwell in it, connect to it, and care for it, so they can connect their hearts and minds with powerful forces of Nature that heals our bodies and our soul.

As a Gene Keys Ambassador and Guide, I teach ancient wisdom of I-Ching in a lucid manner that even children comprehend. This wisdom is in our DNA/RNA, encoded as the 64 Cosmic Archetypes waiting to be unleashed. Without this wisdom, humanity will never understand how to make peace with themselves, by unlocking the “gates” or “switches” in our DNA construct to finally change our state of awareness and evolve as a species. 

I am equally adept at Human Design, a transformational model that brings Astrocycles and Consciousness fields of the Universe along with our DNA archetypes. I apply this model to help people understand their states of consciousness and state of vibration inside of themselves to help improve their actions, reactions and response to the external world. The techniques are applicable in business, family and personal settings. 

Finally I teach professionals about the Soul and it’s purpose. Every soul is born here for a purpose, but we lose the memory of this purpose in this holographic field as it fragments upon entry. Since our society is built only on the premise of material wealth, without subjective understanding of the self, I bring wisdom of Human Design, I-Ching and Gene Keys to align individuals to their Soul purpose that is etched inside our DNA map to navigate both the external and internal worlds. Once we are aligned, our journeys become enjoyable as we express ourselves fully with our highest essence.

Dr Jeffrey Lidke

“Bio & Journey”

I am a Professor of Religious Studies at Berry College here in Rome, Georgia. I specialize in Śākta and Śaiva Tantra, particularly in Nepal, a land that to me feels like my true home.

My areas of  scholarly interest include maṇḍala symbolism and ritual practice, sacred geometry, the neuroscience of spiritual practice, art and spirituality, and the intersection of politics and religion.

I am also an initiate and long time practitioner of Hindu, Buddhist and Sufi spiritual disciplines. Through my practice I have come to see that each discipline is designed to harness the latent potential of our neurological system. Further, I am also a student of Indian classical music, particularly the tablā. My years of practice has shown me that music is based on a universal science of vibration (spanda) that is healing individually and collectively.


Dr Jeffrey Lidke

Dr Jeffrey Lidke

Partner: Evolutionary Tantra and Spirituality


I deal with intersections between the past and the future, religion and science, ancient wisdom and future neuroscience technology. As a practitioner, teacher and seeker – I can clearly see how spiritual disciplines were developed to create neuro-biological transformation.

As a student of Tantra, I have a vision to build a repository of ancient knowledge so it is preserved across generations. However much technologically advanced our generations are, they will need to study the science of the soul and transmutation of energies, which are all coded in ancient wisdom, geometry, art, sound etc.

Applying these disciplines through our 5(five) senses and the self( perhaps over 100+ senses) can bring new discoveries. and applications Understanding the Universal Consciousness operates in vibrations, rhythms, cycles and sound will help create exceptional alignment and fulfillment. The world needs sovereignty and balance, and teaching rising generations early shapes their vision for their prosperous future.



Dr Bankim Chander

“Bio & Journey”

I come from a family of Doctors who integrated modern medicine with alternative healing modalities. I began my spiritual journey when my parents introduced me to Reiki at an early age of 15.

As a 1st Degree Black Belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, I have learned to channel my energies through discipline, and also became a Reiki Master in the same year. Going with the flow at an early age, I dived into the ancient practice Tantra and meditation, that channels and converges the male and female polar energies to expand the mind, increase the power of creativity and finally elevating my self-awareness at a way higher level.

This ancient practice helped me understand the exceptional dualities that exist in the universe, our mind and in the external world. I have been obsessed to understand quantum physics, psychiatry, Consciousness and the connectivity to the human mind-body complex leading to my engineering and PhD in Neuroscience.

Professionally, I am a Neurotechnologist and have worked at various departments of Psychiatry, Psychology, Neurology and Neurosurgery in various University hospitals. I am based out of Germany. Currently, I lead cutting edge research into neuroscience, magnetoencephalography and psychology. I lead the Bio-magnetism lab at Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany leading a group of scientists to develop neurotechnologies for the purpose of enhancing mindful experiences.


Dr Bankim Chander

Dr Bankim Chander

Partner: Evolutionary Mindfulness, Psychology and Neurobiology


As a Practitioner of Ancient Wisdom and Tantra, I bring the power of meditation to busy corporate professionals, families and businesses. Mindfulness is a key element of creativity, that needs multiple energies to merge. I help busy professionals channel these energies to balance and harmonize the body, mind and meridian complex.

As a Spiritualist, I help merge past and present psychological experiences to create a higher level of consciousness that connects with the Universal wisdom of Consciousness. This heightens the ability to innovate at work, create new products/services/models and finally solve problems at way higher level of 360 degree awareness.

As a Neuroscience expert, I bring an entire dimension of psychological understanding to the working of the mind, the brain and quantum consciousness to C-level Executives, to help them through the understanding of “Consciousness Fields” through exceptional cutting edge research I am involved with.

As an Innovator and Creator, my passion is to enable the freedom of speech, expression and communication through Neurotechnology.

My passion is to help Executives understand evolutionary mindfulness and expansion of self awareness to perform better and yet live lives with exceptional fulfillment. The future of humanity is to merge science and spiritual wisdom of the ancients to evolve higher in terms innovation and wellbeing.

As a collaborator and problem solver, I work with a professionally diverse team here to help professionals find strategic solutions to their problems to create a bigger impact in their lives, families and business.



Jesse Garner

“Bio & Journey”

When I was 17 years old, I joined the U.S. military and after selection went right into the Navy SEAL teams where I worked for 8 years. My primary job was a sniper, but I also dealt with communications and air support.

I was recruited into an OGA organization where I worked for five years before beginning my academic adventure at Columbia University for my undergraduate degree. Post that, I graduated from PLD an Executive MBA(alternative) from Harvard Business School.

I currently run a security and consulting company.

I am passionate about helping to forge the future generation of leaders. I see the world closely approaching an inflection point, both from AI and consciousness perspective, where we will be asked to grow in our knowledge of what it is to be human. I see value in giving people the tools and experiences they need to feel confident in their pursuit of their passion. It is important to me to reflect on the many experiences I have received and to distill the most effective lessons to enact growth at the deepest levels in alignment with each person’s individual purpose.

 I am a firm believer in experience-based knowledge, mentorship, time, and pressure. These work together to reveal things in each of us we are not always familiar with but learn to embrace, and work to enhance our true character. As such, I am interested in focusing on the three main components that I see requiring daily attention, the mind, body, and soul.


Jesse Garner

Jesse Garner

Partner & Lead : Future Generation Leadership Program


As an accomplished US Navy Seal, I teach the rising generation and future generation of business leaders, the art and science of discipline, endurance, and how to deal with harsh realities so they keep performing their best despite the toughest challenges.

I assist future generation of leaders understand themselves deeply, strategize from the mind, with exceptional clarity and also how to garner courage by operating from the heart. I help future leaders understand the power of focus, to apply and solve problems.

With my Navy Seal training, coupled with knowledge of technology and business knowledge earned from Harvard Business School, I have built an exceptional “experiential” program that combines business, technology, innovation, psychology, spirituality and endurance to transform the rising generation as they step into their family business to create and navigate the new world of paradigm shifts, but with the right values, so they can lead and sustain their family legacy. 




Christine Brunsden

“Bio & Journey”

Christine has over twenty years of experience in supporting the unsupported in our society through planning, guidance and providing valuable resources. She has also been an advisor to hundreds of families planning their estate and administrator of hundreds of estates and thousands of trusts, powers of attorney, guardianships and private corporations.

She brings experience from her own life to help business families. As a sister to a sister who spent her life in institutional care until her passing in 2016. As a daughter to mother in wheelchair due to catastrophic injuries in a 2007 car accident. As a daughter to a father with dementia. As a mother of a daughter with ADHD and other related disabilities. As a grandmother of a grandson with Autism and grandmother of a granddaughter with Moebius Syndrome 2022. Christine has experienced it all!

 She is Founder of  “Provide Calm” – an ecosystem to support those who are aging or supporting an aging or disabled family to access Self-Care, Financial, Legacy, Disability, Housing, In-Life Care and End-of-Life education, support, guidance. In addition, she provides access to other best-in-class product & service providers that are in the business of supporting aging, disability and end-of-life.

Christine is adept at consulting in the field of wealth management, accounting and legal advisory to support estate planning and administration.

Christine Brunsden

Christine Brunsden

Partner: Disability, Assistive Technology and Estate Planning


As a person who has dealt with disabilities and disability care my entire life, I have the ability to transform business families dealing with disability and terminal care through innovation and technology and finally Estate Planning, Trusts, Intergenerational Disability Planning, Financial, Legal and Philanthropic giving.

As a person who has dealt with caregiving of multi disabilities, I understand how people with disabilities think and what they want. I bring you the experience of understanding their needs and wants, which can be so subtle, it requires exceptional depth and experience.

As a person who understands the industry of disability care and solutions, I offer strategies, guidance and education to business families. My solutions are time-tested and thus highly effective.

With my core knowledge of solution providers, I can operationalize the best in class professionals, technologies, service providers and manage the governance of the complexities to ensure your loved ones are taken care of with the highest standards. You have my promise!




Scott Oceano

“Bio & Journey”

Scottie Oceano Ingallinella is a former pro athlete of 13 years, lifelong entrepreneur, spiritual mentor and plant medicine facilitator. For the first six years of his life Scottie was loosely raised Catholic but took no interest. Soon after Scottie’s seventh birthday, his father Richard, a practicing Rosicrucian who eventually initiated past the 12th degree into the Rosicrucian planes, started gently guiding Scottie toward his consciousness, teaching him visualization and meditation techniques. By that time Scottie had already experienced spontaneous non-ordinary states of consciousness, out of body experiences, and other profound spiritual, metaphysical experiences most children couldn’t understand or interpret. 

After realizing his peers weren’t being taught or had little to no awareness of their sovereign spiritual nature, Scottie went inward and furthered his studies and practice into the esoteric, physical, and spiritual metaphysical realms. He understood the basic nature of the mental (conscious) universe, tapping into his innate and divine intelligence as a tool to call-in, or manifest, that which he desired, creating an adventurous life of excitement and growth. The foundation of this was the teachings of Hermetic Philosophy, or the Wisdom of the Ancients.

Scottie, today, is an adept of aspects of the Hermetic Natural Sciences of Alchemy and Transmutation, utilizing the wisdom of the Seven Universal Laws, or sometimes called Seven Hermetic Principles, as the foundation of spiritual teachings for tens of thousands of people across the world. He is the Founder of Sol Temple, a non-profit spiritual organization, modern mystery school, and retreat center in the Puna Rainforest on the Big Island of Hawaii where he leads and facilitates spiritual retreats and plant medicine ceremonies.

Scott Oceano ( Scottie)

Scott Oceano ( Scottie)

Partner: Hermetic Laws for Business & Legacy


I merge Business and Spirituality together, as they are one and the same. I have applied it successfully to my own business, and have achieved success from all areas. I teach these principles to business leaders so they find balance, happiness, fulfillment, self-reflection and business success that lasts.

As a student of Hermetic Sciences, I teach the power of Universal laws and Principles, that govern every thing in the Universe. Ones business and personal life are not separate, and both are governed by the same laws. I help business owners implement these principles at every facet of life, and realize the transformation from within.

As a student of Consciousness, I bring the Divine Intelligence of the Cosmos to transform AI & Technology companies. After all AI is a simulacrum of the Natural Intelligence of the Universe. 

As a student of Science and Energy who understands the Principles of Transmutation of  Energy, I work with C-Level Executives, Founders, Business families and Rising generations to innovate the future through deep meditation and self awareness, including retreats and plant medicine ceremonies. These exceptional experience open the mind and the heart to create Oneness that ultimately transforms the business owner, families, employees and thus business and legacy.




Dr. Vinod Kumar

“Bio & Journey”

Dr. Kumar is a highly accomplished neuroscientist currently working at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, Germany. His specialty is the human brain and the merger of the “exo” and “eso”, together.

 Like the universe, the human brain is composed of many structural and functional intricacies. Dr. Kumar inquires about the structure and function of the human brain, using the world’s most powerful magnetic resonance imaging in combination with statistical methods.  Thalamus is a fascinating organ. Interestingly, every sensory signal reaches the cortex via the thalamus. And every cortical area talks with another cortical area via the thalamus. Dr. Kumar says, “In essence, the interaction of the thalamus and cortex creates every moment for us.” 

This is a paradigm shift for humanity – as it is a great way to understand how the human brain and consciousness is connected to the Universal Cosmic Consciousness.

Dr. Kumar also pursues his humanitarian contributions by being on the Board of several humanitarian non-profits locally and internationally.

Dr. Vinod Kumar

Dr. Vinod Kumar

Partner: Human Consciousness, Brain Mapping & AI/ML


As a passionate Neuroscientist, Bioinformatics and Neurotech expert, I bring futuristic innovations to light – that can be leveraged by business families, high performing Executives and businesses.

Using the power of AI/ML, I merge these technologies to show how Human Consciousness, our behavior and Cosmic Consciousness merge together in the neural networks of our brain.

As an expert in Neuro-imaging I can map neural pathways during a psychedelic healing ceremony to help you understand the parts of the brain that create these experiences. This way you know, which parts of your body/mind/soul/brain is healing.

I am passionate about children who have challenges with expression in society based on their condition. I wish to use these futuristic innovation to help them communicate better and be understood.

Finally, I would like to show how the body, heart and the brain reacts to light meditation and deep meditation, and it’s exceptional healing properties in the human bio-magnetic field. At the end, we are all connected to Universal Consciousness that flows through us, and once understood humanity can evolve better and higher!




Angela Dills

“Bio & Journey”

Angela Dills is a graduate of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill who spent over twenty years working professionally in the live event industry, producing and managing some of the largest corporate activations in almost all business industries.  Building teams of professionals to run sales meetings, trade shows, product launches, innovation centers and immersive environments, Angela’s dedication to delivering high-impact solutions to her customers lead her start her own business in 2016.

 Around that same time, a different calling was brewing within her that she could no longer ignore.  Angela began studying Astrosciences with world-renown astrologer Anne Ortelee and then with Pam Gallagher.  She will be graduating from the Midwest School of Astrology in June of 2023, the only brick-and-mortar astrology school in the United States.  She is a member of the International Society of Astrological Research, the Organization of Professional Astrologers, and a Board Member of the Cosmobiology Institute which is a non-profit organization established to promote Evidence-Based Research in all Astroscience endeavors. 

Angela’s own passion for bringing together teams of people, along with counseling personal relationships, has brought her to her calling for using Astrosciences to assist in developing solid partnerships of all types.   Her life-lessons have been figuring out how she was born with a “do it self” mentality in a world where she has been called to partner with others.  That has come with many challenges and given her the ability to help others master relationships and their own partnerships with other people. 



Angela Dills

Angela Dills

Partner: Relationships Astrosciences Lead


As a professional who has produced exceptional live events for enterprise companies – including product launches, trade shows, immersive environments, sales events etc, I am very well versed on corporate business structures, people and processes.

My specialty and uniqueness is to combine business dynamics, relationships and predictive astrosciences together to make the biggest impact. It is an energy construct and how energy flows between human beings and processes, including causality ( cause & effect ).

Using predictive and relationship based astrosciences – I help business professionals find love and build harmonious personal relationships. These models are exceptionally important during the searching, dating and courting phases including a committed relationship. It requires understanding of the harmonics and energy dynamics between individuals and how they relate to power, love and integrity.

I also apply the same models for business including – Succession Planning, Co-Founder/. Business Partner planning, C-Level hiring and matching, and also areas where committed hiring has substantial risk. I also apply the same principles to Industry and Finance, including Mergers/Acquisitions and Spin offs.





Christopher M. Pridham

“Bio & Journey”

Christopher M. Pridham Grew up on the mission field in the Philippines where his parents were missionaries and Educators. He experienced at the age of 14 living life in the jungle without electricity and running water. He was able to experience first hand the Philippine revolution and has traveled to many different countries all around the world before the age of 19.

He started Bible College at the age of 16 because he felt called to serve as a minister like his father instead of becoming a lawyer which was his other interest. Upon graduation, he became very discouraged with ministers who seemed more interested in control and less about empowering people. He witnessed first hand and up close a lack of integrity from many in the ministry.

Eventually Christopher was drawn to the path of the Christian mystic and moved across the country with his wife and children to be a part of a intentional community. In 2004 when community life had come to its end Christopher happened to pick up a book in the store on Astrology and read something about his wife that was eerily accurate and more specific than he thought possible. He said to himself “If this is some kind of hocus-pocus I don’t want anything to do with it, but if it has some type of science behind it, and it can help me understand my wife better, I am interested.

Christopher graduated from the Avalon School Of Astrology in 2015 with a Professional Astrologers Certificate in the first ever class on Vibrational Astrology, the only evidence based astrology that is taught and practiced today. Learning the knowledge to be able to read a person’s drives, passions, fears and desires with an understanding of timing and how to integrate them together has been an amazing and humbling experience.

Christopher has been married for 34 years to DiVina a Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry, together they have 8 adult children each thriving in their own unique lives.

Christopher M. Pridham

Christopher M. Pridham

Partner: Authentic Self Astrosciences Lead


As a world traveler, I bring stories of my experiences to audiences. The key to all these experiences – is being and becoming authentic to oneself around these experiences. When we understand ourselves, we understand the world around us.

As a mystic, I combine wisdom of ancient texts, astrosciences, mythology, archetypes, quantum mechanics and religion to deliver the messages left to us by our ancestors that is worth discovering!

As an expert of Vibrational Astrosciences, the only evidence based model of astrosciences and cosmic cybernetics, I bring you an exceptional experience of understanding your “Authentic Self”.

Authentic Self exploratory sessions are typically intense 60 to 90 min sessions. Since our psyche has many layers, it is like understanding the harmonics of all strings in a concerto. My astroscience and cosmic cybernetics work is to bring out each and every vibration/harmonic of how a person is playing the harmony of their life. These sessions bring customers to understand their power, their strengths, their weaknesses, the archetypes, their behavior, how they think, act, relate to, give integrity to and finally how that aligns with their work, their roles, their interaction with teams and situations.

Finally, with Vibrational Astrosciences, I extend this “Authentic Self” among teams, and produce a map how to build exceptional teams for the roles chosen and the tasks at hand. This relational dynamics is powerful for situations that pose immense risk – example: Succession planning, Project/Role based Leadership, C-Level hiring, Negotiation Dynamics for Mergers/Acquisitions etc. The same can be applied to their personal lives. For example choosing a career, or family marriage dynamics. I speak no jargon, and I ensure that you have a roadmap to excel and be the Authentic Leader that you aspire to be.




Kristin Lemaster

“Bio & Journey”

Kristin is a scientist and engineer who had a successful corporate career while she studied and explored various evidence-based energy and spiritual teachings.  Overall, she has experienced more than 30 different energy methods and is certified in many, including Reconnective Healing®, Intuition Medicine®, the Bengston Method®, the Energy Codes®, and written Light Language, among others.  She is also a certified meditation and mindfulness teacher for children and adults.

In 2019, Kristin left her corporate career and founded Soulful Navigation®, where she fully dedicates her time to her energy practice.  Part of her mission is to test and try various energy practices to find the ones that are the most powerful, efficient, and repeatable for solving life’s stubborn challenges with energy in the areas of career, health, relationships, and overall well-being.  Her practice also focuses on awakening a higher level of consciousness to help her clients realize their full potential and align their life with their soul’s purpose.

Kristin is also an experienced teacher, mentor, and guide for achieving a spirit-led life.  She is a teaching assistant at the Academy of Intuition Medicine® in California, USA, and offers her own courses in energy alignment.  Another part of Kristin’s mission is to condense her energy knowledge and experience into a simple and easy-to-understand format that anyone can implement. She also provides a supportive, inclusive, and fun community where people can experience the “group field effect” to accelerate their personal and spiritual growth. 

Kristin’s ultimate goal is to provide people with easy access to energy resources and the independence to explore their spiritual path with confidence for years to come.  In 2022, she launched her own app, Soulful Navigation, which provides educational material as well as a range of energetic and spiritual practices for users of all levels.

Kristin Lemaster

Kristin Lemaster

Partner: Energy Alignment and Intuitive Healing Solutions


We live in an incredible time of both spiritual awakening and spiritual crisis. Now more than ever, the world needs us to strengthen the alignment between our spiritual nature and our actions so that we can tip the scales toward progress and affect positive and innovative change on a global scale.

First, I help business families understand the science of spirituality – We are energy; We are Souls; We have a Spirit inside of us. Everything is Energy. The foundations of my approach to a soul-aligned life are the beliefs that everything is energy and that we are spirits first; we are energy that happens to have a body and a mind at this point in space-time.

 Second, I help families use these concepts to claim our true spiritual nature through powerful and efficient energy practices.  When we learn to receive our inherent spiritual wisdom, it will lead us to success while helping others awaken their full potential. Being spiritual doesn’t mean one cannot be a successful business professional; in fact, it helps you succeed in all spheres of life and find fulfillment, which is rare!

 Third, I help business families understand the true nature of Philanthropic Giving – i.e. we can also create change with our energy in the unified field and bring that change into the material world, where it will unfold for the highest good of all.

 Fourth, is about alignment. Aligning ones life with their energy ( and their family) acknowledges their divinity to work together and also live consciously and pass their legacy on to the the generations.

 Finally, we have to work through the darkness (make the unconscious, conscious) to get there, and it needs to be done. Only then can one align themselves, understand family members, and align the actions to business expansion and innovation. Alignment is the key!


How Ecosystems Solve Problems

The future of innovation, synthesis and problem solving in the Age of AI will create expert based Ecosystems. A diverse set of experts, working together and consequently offering the ability to pool their wisdom to solve problems, which individuals or AI Machines can’t. 

The 2 minute video explains the Project Eternity partner ecosystem framework, which is based on Consciousness and wisdom of temples.

Spiritual Wisdom Evolutionary Framework

Once Ecosystems are created, the essence is to solve problems using the wisdom of Consciousness, Cycles and original wisdom of Temples. What wisdom do we teach and apply? How do we solve the subjective and objective problems? How can enhance predictability, accuracy and stay aligned with cycles of prosperity?

The 2 minute video explains the Project Eternity Evolutionary Framework, which is based experiential wisdom of Consciousness and wisdom of temples.

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USA: 978-674-55 ZERO FOUR

INDIA: +91 83683 12106 

Location | USA|Project Starfish America | |

181 Market St
Lowell, MA 01852


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