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Philanthropy that Preserves, Protects and Empowers your generations of today and in the future

Project Eternity

A spiritual system designed for the wealthy to ensure wealth, business and values propagate consciously for generations.

Why : Why Legacy Preservation?

We all have a lot to lose with the present generation!

The generations of today (specifically the youngest) and the future generations face enormous challenges from all sides.

First of all, their personalities aren’t shaped well because of the fear of COVID, seeing and hearing of death, and the fear of continued lockdowns. On top of that comes the transgender and gender fluidity challenges.

Second, they learn from the outside world of online technology that shapes their thinking. The youngest generation loves the flow of the information world but is lonely and socially awkward from seeing people in face masks.

Third, their era will see massive changes – the Metaverse, Financial upheavals, Climate challenges, continuous health challenges with vaccines, an evolving virus strain, food shortages, etc.

Fourth – a challenge of understanding spirituality, defining ethical values, self-awareness, family values, and the awareness of the self. They possess an entire new culture that presents a chasm, not just a gap with their parents.

Fifth – they have no interest in people and the history of what happened in the past.

Wealth and Values : Won’t solve the problem!

We need a New System for the generations to come!

Put yourself in the shoes of the new generation – who are unhappy, in constant fear, have health challenges, do not talk – but text, do not have interest in human contact, religious principles, family history or geopolitical upheavals!

Business models are being disrupted because of consumer demand, intense competition and technology in this decade thus leaving a business and wealth guarantees no success to generations.

The Paradox, in every way!

The future business wealth will be generated through high end technology with little human contact – a massive left brain activity. Values on the other hand is a right brained activity. Thus todays (or future) generations suffer and will always do so from a massive imbalance.

A void that cannot be filled with money, or even with past values – and thus needs a new system that can augment Legacy.

Project Eternity : Solution to Legacy challenges

Do you have 20 minutes to watch the video?

When the world is collapsing, do you have a plan? Here is our plan and our reason. If you like it, let us come together and build the future. Pass the video along.

Project Eternity : The Transformation Program

Eternity 100 – Peace in times of chaos

How are we going to Re-Build? We will be starting with a handful to transform them, so we can bring thousands of people down to Project Eternity just before the collapse. Here is our transformation program. If you are thinking what would you be doing here, this is it. Write to us at connect @ eternity dot eco, or simply pass on the video to others who are serious and resolute. We are definitely resolute. The time is now!

Project Eternity: The Global Ecosystem

Live, Work, Innovate, Explore and Evolve by learning ancient wisdom. East meets West!

 The location of Project Eternity is Nainital, a hilly paradise in India, far away from the hustle and bustle of cities in an unpolluted virgin environment. This ecosystem template will repeat as four independent townships in India and go global in every country in parallel. We have a vision of 50 years to implement globally, and we want to inspire the most ambitious youth of today to join us in the mission. 

Youth needs to re-build, else they will inherit the same problems they are ignoring today. We need to find solutions. Period.

Design of Project Eternity

The entire Smart Eco Ashram is designed based on the ancient wisdom of Sacred Geometry, a universal design that is harmonious with the energy or chi that moves through any living being, the earth, and the universe. It will be a highly digital and technology-driven society that embodies the West’s innovation and business centricity values and the Eastern philosophies and wisdom of spiritual living.

A Futuristic society – for those who do not want to run the rat race anymore

Everything at Project Eternity is designed thoughtfully with great care. This is not a hotel or a meditation camp; our goal is serious – i.e. create a conscious lifestyle of living that transforms you inside out to become the leaders of change for the future of the human race. Everything we do here embodies the science and arts of ancient wisdom that has been lost but is only found with the Yogis in the Himalayas. Now you know why Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerbergs visited the Himalayan yogis. 

We revive this ancient knowledge, democratize it, build on it and innovate its applications to modern life as an ecosystem.

We cannot re-build the new based on the principles of the old world.

Project Eternity: Global Spiritual Ecosystem

Extend the Spiritual Ecosystem by bringing the Individual Eco Villages and Spiritual Villages together under one banner – through Unity, One Mission, and One Vision. Unity in Diversity is the key of the future.

 The biggest challenge among the Good people in society is – they operate alone. They are individualists; they take pride in what they do, don’t share their learnings, and do not cooperate or solve their differences. The ego comes in the way!

 Evil triumphs because it can organize; the Good, unfortunately, operates in pockets. No doubt, Evil has always won in this spiritual war of all root races. 

True history has shown how the civilizations are obliterated systematically because of their incapacity to relegate their differences and work together for a bigger mission!

Individualism doesn’t work in the Age of Aquarius. 

Only Communityship and Interdependent Individualism does. You either work together with one mission and purpose, or you perish from the imbalance—the Good needs to learn from Evil as well, and that’s the natural spiritual evolution.

Learn from it, but don’t be part of their agendas. That is precisely why all the Eco Village and Spiritual villages need to evolve and come together under one banner and cooperate without losing their individualism by replacing it with an interdependent identity. Project Eternity will go to individual Corporations, so they sponsor leaders to go around these Global Ashrams for a specialized spiritual experience that is hardly available in a coordinated manner—a win-win-win for all.

That’s our Global Mission! Applied Spirituality. One Mission. One Vision.

Project Eternity: Initiators

The Rishis, Yogis, and Sages of India are the initiators and the project leaders.

 India is the abode of spirituality. India still upholds true and unadulterated knowledge. Thousands of years of conquest after conquest have shown India’s importance – that it has something that others desire yet don’t have it.

The true ancient knowledge lives with the Rishis, Yogis, and the Siddhas, who have protected this knowledge from evil influence.

They have for centuries lived in the Himalayas away from modern society. They have passed on the ancient traditions from one disciple to the other but have observed the modern world from a distance.

But, not anymore. They see a new kind of humanity in evolution and want to lead this change globally.

The Global Ashram Network: The Next Spiritual Evolution

Yogis and Rishis are the ones who see the future clearly. They have seen the next evolution of humanity in the Smart Ashram Ecosystems, where a handful of societies lead the path for the rest of humanity to adopt.

The younger Yogis have been instructed to lead this change for the next phase of society – a modern, conscious, intellectual, and highly technology savvy cooperative society that embodies true spirituality.

The people live and work in the Ashrams, build their own network and political structure, and travel from one Smart Ashram to the other, impacting thousands of people around the ashrams to build a revolution.

That is the vision of the Sages of India.

Project Eternity: Mission & Vision

A spiritually advanced, conscious, intellectual, and powerful human civilization beyond borders

 Build a new civilization amongst the 1% who are armed with divine wisdom to lead humanity to the next frontier of independence that restores balance in the world in the Age of Aquarius.


The mission is to build Ecosystem Communities all around the globe that offer a modern yet spiritual experience for generations through ancient wisdom – either through Smart Ashram Townships or through the organized Community of existing spiritual organizations that offer equal quality of life embodying the mission of Live, Work, Explore and Evolve towards the next frontier in the Aquarian Age.

Get In Touch

USA: 978-674-55 ZERO FOUR

INDIA: +91 83683 12106 

Location | USA|Project Starfish America | |

181 Market St
Lowell, MA 01852


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