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Explore The Site: Himalayas

Project Eternity

Explore the breathtaking views of the site

Project Eternity:  Breathtaking views

Below you will find the breathtaking views of Project Eternity in the Himalayan Mountains.

We chose the Himalayan mountains because they are pure, pristine, natural, untouched, abundant, secure, have an exceptional spirituality from time immemorial, and have immense support from the villagers who are very welcoming of spiritual and economic activity and high-level political support, availability of transportation and airports.

We also chose the location for the availability and access to the Himalayan Saints, Yogis, Sages, and Rishis – who for the first time want to democratize the ancient knowledge that has been locked to initiates because the world needs to wake up.

The world hasn’t seen this knowledge yet. This is real, high-level wisdom for adepts only. This is not for the common mundane person.

The Old World is NOT here at Project Eternity.

Project Eternity is a new civilization model for future generations based on the ancient wisdom that still exists in India.

Scroll down for some breathtaking sceneries. Note – the entire property you see is the Project Eternity site. The site has ancient temples, caves, and other mystical things that date thousands of years and they are untouched.

Project Eternity:  Some More Breathtaking views

Experience what it feels like living in the mountains at the site where nature is pristine.

Some videos were captured for you… check them out!

View Video 1 at the location ( Has audio)

View Video 2 at the location ( Has audio)

View Video 3 at the location ( Has audio)

View Video 4 at the location ( Has audio)

Project Eternity:  At the site

Some of the videos are below, where the construction is soon to start.

View Video 1 at the location ( Has audio)

View Video 4 at the location ( Has audio)

View Video 3 at the location ( Has audio)

View Video 2 at the location ( Has audio)

Project Eternity: Mission & Vision

A spiritually advanced, conscious, intellectual, and powerful human civilization beyond borders

 Build a new civilization amongst the 1% who are armed with divine wisdom to lead humanity to the next frontier of independence that restores balance in the world in the Age of Aquarius.


The mission is to build Ecosystem Communities all around the globe that offer a modern yet spiritual experience for generations through ancient wisdom – either through Smart Ashram Townships or through the organized Community of existing spiritual organizations that offer equal quality of life embodying the mission of Live, Work, Explore and Evolve towards the next frontier in the Aquarian Age.

Get In Touch

USA: 978-674-55 ZERO FOUR

INDIA: +91 83683 12106 

Location | USA|Project Starfish America | |

181 Market St
Lowell, MA 01852


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